Wes joined the U.S. Army in
1941 and became a 2nd Lt. at the Jeffersonville
Quartermaster Depot in Indiana where he was Fiscal Officer.
Transferred to Fort Warren,
Wyoming as 1st. Lt. in
the 136th Quartermaster
Truck Co. - Fort Ord, California, Phoenix, Arizona, Ft. Lewis Desert
Training Center, Indio, California Promoted to Captain and attended
the Advanced QM
Officers School, Ft. Lee, Virginia. Sent overseas in early
1943 to the United States Armed
Forces South Atlantic Base S-4 at Recife, Brazil where he remained
until the end of WWII. During his service at this major depot
servicing Europe he was promoted to Major. Wes was discharged from
active duty in Indiana on 9/45 and promoted to Lt. Colonel
with the Active Army Reserves. Wes
was one of the founders of the Lexington Veterans Association and had
been Vice Commander since its inception. Wes
was still active as a consultant to a major CPA firm in Columbus, Ohio
where he was once the Managing Partner. He and his wife,
Elizabeth, lived in the Somerset Villas in the Lake Village.
Hart passed away at Ft. Myers on October 16, 2004 at age 87. He had a solemn
mass at Saint Luke's Episcopal Church in Ft. Myers, Florida and was
buried in Columbus, Ohio with full military honors.
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