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Lexington Veterans Association has selected three special projects that
are near and dear to our hearts and our patriotism. They are:
The vast majority of our funds go to these three efforts and if you wish to make a tax deductible contribution you can easily do so by writing a check payable to the Lexington Veterans Association and designate which of these projects you wish to donate to. Either drop it off at the main clubhouse desk or send to 16257 Willowcrest Way, Fort Myers, FL 33908. Our annual goal is to provide a minimum of $1200 to each project. But we need your help. |
Located in San Antonio, Texas adjacent to the Brooks Army Medical Center this state of the art Rehabilitation Center just recently opened and is considered to be the finest of its kind in the world. In addition and in conjunction with the Fisher Foundation townhouses are being constructed to house family members of those going through the rigors of treatment for new prosthetics due to loss of arms, hands, legs and feet. The Center For The Intrepid is fully funded by private donations such as that of the Lexington Veterans Association. For more information click on http://www.fallenheroesfund.org/ and http://www.fisherhouse.org/ Please make your checks out to Lexington Veterans Association and designate the project you want your money to go to. It is tax deductible. |
The Yellow Ribbon Fund was created in early 2005 to assist our injured service members and their families when they are at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. It has provided our injured service members and veterans hundreds of free tickets to sporting games, concerts and plays and has supplied their families while visiting them in rehab over 400 free rental cars, over 2500 free taxi rides, over 900 free rooms in hotels, and over 30 families the free use of 3 apartments near both facilities. Most of these families simply cannot afford the transportation and lodging costs over the several months of their veterans rehabilitation without the assistance of the Yellow Ribbon Fund. For more information click on http://www.yellowribbonfund.com/ Please make your checks out to Lexington Veterans Association and designate the project you want your money to go to. It is tax deductible. |
Mission To fight for benefits and programs that strengthen and protect uniformed services families and reflect the Nation’s respect for their service. Who We Are The National Military Family Association is an organization with strong grassroots support balanced with professionalism that makes us a leader in the field. Not only do we support military families – we are military families. Spouses, parents, and family members make up our staff and board positions. We speak up on behalf of military families and empower husbands, wives, and children to understand and access their benefits. Based on what we hear from our members, we meet the needs of service members and their families with insightful recommendations, innovative programs, and grassroots efforts to better the quality of life for military families.
The Lexington Veterans Association is proud to announce that we have adopted a Marine Intel unit in Afghanistan for 2010 . A package was sent on March 9th to Marine Sgt Jonathan A. Morales who is in Afghanistan. He is with the 1ST Intel BN P&A Company out of San Diego. There are 15 marines in his unit and are expected to be deployed until February of 2011.. Thanks to your generous support of our Annual Raffle this past year we were able to send CARE packages from the residents of Lexington Country Club. We appreciate whatever help citizens can give to this endeavor. Please make your checks out to Lexington Veterans Association and designate the project you want your money to go to. It is tax deductible. |
Music: US Air Force Band - "Regimental Pride"